Internet Cafe API Commands and parameters

Description of commands and parameters for API integration in Internet Cafe software.

COMMAND: generateaccounts
Generates one or more accounts

[TXT] account : account (if 1) or account prefix (>1)
[NUM] number : number of accounts to generate
[NUM] groupplan : ID of the price plan or price group
[NUM] type : 0-prepaid, 1-postpaid, 2-ticket
[NUM] internet : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] games : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] programs : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat4 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat5 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat6 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] sell : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[TXT] expiredate : in format YYYYMMDD
[NUM] timeleft : in seconds
[NUM] unltime : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] quota : in bytes
[NUM] unlquota : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] download : in bytes
[NUM] upload : in bytes
[NUM] print : 0-do not print, 1-print on paper
[NUM] preview : 0-no print preview, 1-print preview
[NUM] dailylogins : number of logins per day
[NUM] enabledailylogins : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] dailytime : limit daily time usage
[NUM] enabledailytime : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] length : ticket length
[NUM] passlength : account password length
[NUM] startnumber : for manual account suffix numbering

COMMAND: updateaccount
Updates account properties

[TXT] account : required field
[TXT] password : modify account password
[NUM] groupplan : ID of the price plan or price group
[NUM] type : 0-prepaid, 1-postpaid, 2-ticket
[NUM] internet : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] games : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] programs : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat4 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat5 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] progcat6 : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] printedcolor : number of printed pages
[NUM] printedbw : number of printed pages
[TXT] software : 1| for IC, 2| for HotSpot, etc.
[NUM] money : format 0.00
[NUM] moneyinc : increase money balance for value
[NUM] moneydec : decrease money balance for value
[NUM] timeleft : in seconds
[NUM] timeused : in seconds
[NUM] unltime : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] unlquota : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] quota : in bytes
[NUM] download : in bytes
[NUM] upload : in bytes
[NUM] sell : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[TXT] expiredate : in format YYYYMMDD
[NUM] multilogins : number of simultaneous logins
[NUM] multilogin : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] dailylogins : number of logins per day
[NUM] enabledailylogins : 0-disabled, 1-enabled
[NUM] dailytime : limit daily time usage
[NUM] enabledailytime : 0-disabled, 1-enabled

COMMAND: viewaccount
Returns account details

[TXT] account : account for which to display details

COMMAND: deleteaccount
Deletes specified account

[TXT] account : account to delete

COMMAND: getpriceplans
Returns all generated priceplans

COMMAND: getstatistics
Returns statitics for time period

[TXT] from : in format YYYYMMDD
[TXT] to : in format YYYYMMDD

COMMAND: getaccountforip
Returns account logged in the computer with  specified IP

[TXT] account : account for which to display details


Updated on November 23, 2024

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