Manage Account

To modify account properties and limits, please click the account from the list.

A new page will pop up at the bottom of the screen with all the account properties.

You can change a password, access to allowed program groups, time, money, quota, download, and upload limits.

From the same screen, you can add more money to the account, change the type or even delete an account.

If you like to create a new account, you can click the button above – New User or New Ticket, define account properties and generate a single account.

This option is useful if you want to generate only one account and configure all it’s properties, without using standard generate bulk accounts section.

Manage Account tab has the following options (some options are explained here, for other see previous section):

Password – Account password is hidden by default. Enable Show Password to see
account password. To change client password replace the old password with new one and press Save Changes button
Time left – Shows remaining time for computer usage. To modify time left, please
adjust this value and press the Save Changes button
Add money – Specify the amount to be added to account, press + button and then Save Changes
Delete account – Delete account from the database

Updated on January 9, 2025

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