
If you are required to charge tax for your services Antamedia Internet Cafe offers a flexible tax setup.

There are 3 different taxes to configure with a tax on a tax option.

Tax configuration examples:

If you have a single tax to charge:

1. enable Tax1, name it (like VAT)
2. configure % value
3. press the Save button

If your country regulation requires a second tax to be calculated as a percent from the value of the first tax, please enable Tax2 on Tax1.

If you have two different taxes to charge:

1. enable Tax1, name it (like VAT)
2. configure % value
3. enable Tax2, name it
4. configure % value
5. press Save button

Here you can also configure Usage taxes for Computer Time, Laptop Time, Console Time, Billiard Time, Phone Time, Printing and Bandwidth.

Updated on January 9, 2025

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