Email Notifications

To keep your customers informed about their account expiration, you can Automatically send an Email and remind your customer that it is time to refill the account.

Email notification can be sent to the customer when the following conditions are met:

• Account expires in less than _ days – If you set 5 days and the account expires on June 25th, an email notification will be sent to the customer on June 20th.
• Time left is less than _ minutes – If you set 30 minutes, an email notification will be sent to the customer 29 minutes before the account expire
• Quota left is less than _ MB – If you set 50 MB, an Email notification will be sent to the customer when bandwidth quota is 49 MB

These values are checked only on account login.

Email template specifies which message template will be used to prepare Email for the customer.

When the customer makes the payment for your services using a credit card, receipt can be sent automatically to an Email address provided by your customer.

If you like to use this option, please enable Send payment receipts on Email and in Email templates field choose a template that will be sent to the customer’s Email.

Updated on January 9, 2025

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