HotSpot Sign Up Settings

Antamedia HotSpot provides an automated self-service signup process. When a customer clicks the Sign-Up link on the login page, the browser will be redirected to the signup page which is defined for its location. This page defines available Sign Uup methods for your customers.

To configure Sign Up, go to the HotSpot Setup – Pages – Sign Up tab and select the desired Sign Up method.

Credit Card payment based sign up

(requires a license for the credit card module)

The customer chooses username, password, price plan and pays with the credit card. Price plan defines limitations like time, bandwidth quota, download, and upload rates, expiration date, daily access limits, etc.

Refill Voucher based sign up

The customer chooses username, password and enters refill voucher code. Refill vouchers are created in advance with desired price plan limitations (time, bandwidth quota, download, and upload rates), and they can be distributed or sold by your staff, resellers or through your channel partners. it may be done using HTTP or HTTPS based page.

PMS integration

(requires PMS Interface module)

The customer chooses username, password, price plan and confirms identity with a room number and personal details. If successful, payment is added on the provided room number, and the customer will see this charge in the Hotel PMS system. In addition, you can set  Default Price Plan for PMS signups.

Select  Enable PMS Interface in general or to Use Opera membership status to apply complimentary default plan

Free Signup

Free Signup with Email, SMS, name, helps you to provide free access and collect data from your customers

Ticket Sign Up

Specify the number of characters used in Ticket Length and Ticket Prefix used in Free Sign Up

Updated on January 9, 2025

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