SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate is used to encrypt communication between HotSpot Web Server and customer Internet browser.

The secure connection can be used:
– to switch to secure login. Instead of a standard http:// based login page, the customer can go to https://yourIPorDomain/login and authenticate through a secure connection
– when the customer is about to pay with a credit card, to keep the data safe
– to change the account password

HotSpot comes with a default SSL certificate produced for IP Although this is included free of charge, it creates a warning message in the browser and might drive away customers.

If you want a fully working SSL certificate which doesn’t create any browser warnings, we recommend ordering your own certificate from SSL Certification Service

You will get correct SSL cert files with instructions on how to configure it in the HotSpot software.

Such certificate allows you to show your domain in customer browser instead of HotSpot IP address. For example, instead of customer will see

Please note that Antamedia doesn’t collect any fees from this service and we don’t provide support regarding SSL cert creation or modification.

However, even if your SSL Certificate is perfectly valid, your clients may get various warning messages in the browser.

You can easily fix it.

Rename default hotspot.dll file from C:/Antamedia/HotSpot folder.
Download new hotspot.dll
Extract it and place the file to C:/Antamedia/HotSpot folder.
After that, you won`t get warning messages in clients browser anymore.

Updated on January 9, 2025

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