How Can It Help You ?

Increase Profit

Once configured, Internet Cafe software will protect and control your systems, and minimize the time needed to maintain computers. Profit increases from the first day as you’ll do less boring staff, and spent more of your time on building your business.

Scalable – Software will grow with you

Antamedia Internet Cafe has an advanced architecture that allows both simple and very large networks.

You can offer public computers or WiFi services and grow slowly by adding either site links or new access points to connect different buildings and city areas, one step a time. All accounts are served from the central database (included free of charge).

Your customers will be able to login to any computer or HotSpot with their account. The Client computer does not have to be in the same network.

You can easily connect distant computers at remote locations on the same Server software through different ISP connections.

Create Paid or Free Internet service

Antamedia Internet Cafe software helps you to create a free or paid Internet service.

If you like to offer a free service, you can configure it in different ways: shared keyword required for login, click to start – anonymous login, ask a customer to agree with terms of use, or even schedule daily interval when the service will be free and paid.

High level of user accounts customization allows creating limited or unlimited accounts, limited by time, data transferred, download and upload, a number of logins, daily usage time, expiration date and more.

Offer Internet Services in Your Hotel, Park, Coffee Shop or Restaurant

Offering high-speed Internet services in your establishment can only help to increase value add to trade, repeat business and client satisfaction.

With the use of Antamedia Internet Cafe software you will be able to:

– Add to sales (coffee, food, IT consumables, and services e.g. printing)

– Control and monitor access to the Internet for all computers, both wired and wireless in your guest rooms.

– Provide reliable Internet and application services to conference rooms

– Provide roaming Internet resources to the grounds around your establishment for example on a golf course for email, scorekeeping or around a pool.

Can be used in Various Locations

Flexible architecture makes it suitable for different locations like Airports, Cruise Ships, Train Stations, Motels, Launderettes, Libraries, in fact, any area the public are allowed access.

Customers can sign-in online and pay using their credit card or tickets can be printed in advance and sold by the front desk staff, receptionist, bartender, cybercafe operator, or by a vending machine.

In case of credit card payments, the amount is collected from the customer by your Credit Card processing company and stored to your merchant account.

A payment gateway company transfers collected money to your bank account usually at the end of the month.

Antamedia does not collect any fees. Full revenue goes to you.

Updated on January 9, 2025

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